The Story
"Awake" is an intriguing drama about a detective (Jason Isaacs, "Harry Potter," "Brotherhood") who finds he is leading an arduous double life that defies reality. When Detective Michael Britten (Isaacs) regains consciousness following his family's car accident, he is told that his wife Hannah (Laura Allen, "Terriers") perished but that his teen son, Rex (Dylan Minnette, "Saving Grace"), has survived. As he tries to put the pieces of his life back together, he awakens again in a parallel reality in which his wife is very much alive -- but his son Rex died in the accident. In order to keep both of his loved ones alive at one time, he begins living two dueling realities in parallel worlds, which churns up confusion -- in one moment, Michael and his wife debate about having another child to replace their son, while in the other reality, he is attracted to his son's tennis coach, Tara (Michaela McManus, "The Vampire Diaries"), to fill the void from the loss of his wife. Trying to regain some normalcy, Michael returns to police work and solves crimes in both worlds with the help of two different partners -- Detective Isaiah "Bird" Freeman (Steve Harris, "The Practice") and Detective Efrem Vega (Wilmer Valderrama, "That '70s Show").
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